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Flight of the dragon

Yesterday I worked on the control scheme for Dragon Attack. In its original version, Glauron, the mechanics are very simple:

  • Horizontal speed is constant.
  • Vertical speed is affected by gravity as usual.
  • When you tap, a fixed amount of speed is added to the vertical speed over the next half second or so.

Animation of Glauron flight

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10 reasons to love C++

In the past few years, I’ve done most of my game development in Java. It didn’t use to be that way. Before Android and libGDX came along, when C++11 was still C++0x, I used C++ almost exclusively. And recently, because of some performance-critical bits in Mystery Game No. 1, I got to use C++ again. And I loved it!

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Progress on goals

At the start of this year, I set myself some goals for the first half of 2016. Today marks the half-way point of that period, so it’s a good time to check on how I’m doing on each of them. I’ll grade each goal on a scale of 0 to 1, which should ideally average out to 0.5 at this stage.

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SRY: Sometimes Repeat Yourself

Any programmer worth their salt will have heard of the DRY principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself. The idea is that repetition is bad: it makes for more code to read through, and it makes code harder and more error-prone to maintain because you have to make the same change in multiple places.

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More farming fun

It’s Fun Time Friday again! And a good thing too, because I’ve been busy with Mystery Game No. 1 all week, which I can’t blog about yet. So apart from the welcome break, the Friday farming prototype also gives me something to write about.

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Farming Friday

While Mystery Game No. 1 is making nice progress, in the spirit of “throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks”, I’ve decided to introduce what I call “Fun Time Fridays”. On Friday, assuming the rest of the week has gone according to plan, I get to work on whatever I like, as long as it’s feasible that a game or useful product will come out of it.

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