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Making of Morphing Maria

Princesses, snakes, and bears, oh my! In the form of Princess Maria, or some other form, make your way through 10 levels to save your fiancé, Plumber Pete, from the claws of an evil monster! Taking inspiration from The Talos Principle, Portal, Sokoban and a certain classic platformer, Morphing Maria is a top-down puzzle game in which you change shape to accomplish your goals. Each shape brings unique abilities that help you reach the exit.

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Flight of the dragon

Yesterday I worked on the control scheme for Dragon Attack. In its original version, Glauron, the mechanics are very simple:

  • Horizontal speed is constant.
  • Vertical speed is affected by gravity as usual.
  • When you tap, a fixed amount of speed is added to the vertical speed over the next half second or so.

Animation of Glauron flight

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10 reasons to love C++

In the past few years, I’ve done most of my game development in Java. It didn’t use to be that way. Before Android and libGDX came along, when C++11 was still C++0x, I used C++ almost exclusively. And recently, because of some performance-critical bits in Mystery Game No. 1, I got to use C++ again. And I loved it!

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Progress on goals

At the start of this year, I set myself some goals for the first half of 2016. Today marks the half-way point of that period, so it’s a good time to check on how I’m doing on each of them. I’ll grade each goal on a scale of 0 to 1, which should ideally average out to 0.5 at this stage.

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SRY: Sometimes Repeat Yourself

Any programmer worth their salt will have heard of the DRY principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself. The idea is that repetition is bad: it makes for more code to read through, and it makes code harder and more error-prone to maintain because you have to make the same change in multiple places.

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More farming fun

It’s Fun Time Friday again! And a good thing too, because I’ve been busy with Mystery Game No. 1 all week, which I can’t blog about yet. So apart from the welcome break, the Friday farming prototype also gives me something to write about.

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