Posts tagged “Dragon Attack”

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Terrain variations in Dragon Attack

Earlier this week, I added some variations to the procedural terrain in Dragon Attack.

Previously, the landscape was generated one segment at a time, forming a “chain” of rotated sprites. Each segment would have the same slope as the previous one, plus or minus a random number. To avoid going off the screen, the random number would be biased downwards near the top, and upwards near the bottom. This system worked great, but it made it pretty hard to implement variety in the terrain. For example, with just the previous height and slope as your “state”, how would you generate a mountain range?

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Flight of the dragon

Yesterday I worked on the control scheme for Dragon Attack. In its original version, Glauron, the mechanics are very simple:

  • Horizontal speed is constant.
  • Vertical speed is affected by gravity as usual.
  • When you tap, a fixed amount of speed is added to the vertical speed over the next half second or so.

Animation of Glauron flight

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