Posts tagged “LibGDX”

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Localizing libGDX games via a spreadsheet

LibGDX has decent localization support via a bundle of .properties files, for example:

== ==
app_name=Confirmation App
confirmation=Are you sure?

== ==
confirmation=I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but would you please be so kind to confirm your certainty on this matter?

== ==
confirmation=Weet u het zeker?

However, LibGDX doesn’t help you to create those files. It can be onerous to create them and keep them in sync. Both Eclipse and IntelliJ have features for this, but of course your translators won’t be using either of these. This is why I came up with a simple way to generate these .properties files from a spreadsheet (via CSV export). The expected input format is very simple (just a column per language) and is fully described in the README.

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