As of just now, is a thing. This means you can browse my site securely, knowing that the NSA can probably not see which pages you are viewing.
Jekyll is a great tool for creating (mostly) static websites; in fact this very site is built upon it. But it doesn’t come with built-in support for using multiple languages.
I realized a long time ago that my website was looking a little dated. A dark theme, drab colours and not exactly mobile-friendly. So when I started fulltime in December, one of the first things I did was a major styling overhaul.
Hopefully you didn’t notice, but as of now, is generated by Jekyll, the static blog generator.
Since its inception in 2010, the site had been running on my own custom-written engine, Utterson.
There was a permission problem that sometimes caused comments to be refused with a 500 Internal Server Error. This has now (hopefully) been resolved.
I also added clickable links to the Atom feed for the blog, because some browsers (Chrome, and Firefox 4 beta, but strangely not Firefox 3) do not show the feed icon in the address bar.
Well then, since last Monday, the Frozen Fractal website is unofficially up. And since today, it’s official, because now there’s a blog post announcing it!
No truism is always true, not even this one. I recently clashed with two common conceptions in software engineering:
“All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection.